In Vedic astrology, the Janam Kundli or Janam Patrika, or as you may call it Natal Chart or Birth Chart, is extremely important. It is a blueprint of a person’s life that predicts all possible outcomes such as opportunities, challenges, strengths, family, love, marriage, career, money, and various other aspects of life. A Kundli is created by using the native’s exact date, month, and place of birth. Furthermore, different types of Kundli are used by astrologers for detailed and accurate Janam Kundli predictions.
There are four types of Kundli in Vedic astrology that are used for horoscope predictions. Each Kundli type is used to analyze precise planetary positions and their effects on a person’s life. Different Kundli reports can help one easily check their horoscope compatibility, auspicious Yogas, lucky days, lucky numbers, lucky planets, lucky colors, Shubh Muhurat (favorable times), unfavorable times, Doshas such as Manglik Dosha, and much more.
Isn’t it fascinating?
An expert astrologer in Hyderabad can analyze your Janam Kundli for a personalized and detailed Kundli reading. If you don’t have a Kundli, these astrologers can create one for you. There are numerous reputable online platforms where you can communicate with not only astrologers in Hyderabad but astrologers from all over India and the world.
Now, let’s dive deeper into the four types of Kundli.
Lagna Kundli – The Lagna chart, also known as the Janam Kundli, is an astrological chart that depicts the position of planets, including the Sun, Moon, and other planets, at the time of an individual’s birth. This chart is based on the Ascendant or Lagna position. As a result, the 1st house of the chart is the house of the Ascendant, and all other planets are placed following the position of the Lagna. The Lagna, also known as the Ascendant, is the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon when the native was born. Because each zodiac sign rises in the east for only two hours, the Ascendant is never the same. For instance, twins born on the same day may have two different ascendant signs by a minute difference, but they may have the same Sun sign because the Sun stays in a zodiac sign for approximately 30 days.
Chandra Kundli – As the name suggests, Chandra means ‘Moon’ in various Indian languages; the Chandra Kundli is based on the position of the Moon. The house with the Moon as the Lord or Ruler is considered the 1st house of Kundli in this chart. For example, if the Moon is in the 10th house, it is considered the 1st house, the 11th house is considered the 2nd house, and so on. The second most important Kundli or birth chart used for horoscope matching is the Chandra Kundli. The Moon changes its position more frequently after the Ascendant, about every 2.5 days on average, so it is crucial to check your Chandra Kundli.
Navamsa Kundli – The word Navamsa refers to the ninth division or the one-ninth part of a zodiac sign. It’s a separate chart that’s used to examine a person’s life in detail. Each Navamsa has a longitude of 30 degrees and 20 minutes. After analyzing the position of planets in the Lagna Chart, this natal chart can be used to determine their true strength. For example, if a planet or Rashi (zodiac sign) is exalted in the Lagna Kundli but debilitated in the Navamsa, the planet’s ability to influence a native’s life is weak or medium, and vice versa. This chart is crucial for Kundli matching and marital bliss analysis.
Chalit Chart – This Vedic astrology chart shows the position of the planets in the houses (Bhavas). In the Chalit chart, the 1st house is calculated in relation to the actual Lagna degree, as opposed to the Rashi chart or Lagna chart. The 1st house in this chart begins 15 degrees before Lagna and ends 15 degrees after Lagna. The other houses are calculated using the same method. In this chart, the Bhava Madhya, or house midpoint, is very important. It is used to determine the impact of the house on the lives of the natives.
The following advantages are directly related to Kundli creation:
- Kundli reading can assist you in deciding on a career path.
- The Kundli reading aids in making important life decisions.
- Kundli reading can be used to assess compatibility in relationships, particularly marriage.
- Kundli reading can help you understand people, especially yourself.
- When you read your Kundli, you become more aware of your health.
- Kundli reading helps in complete development, both materialistically and morally.
- Financial aspects can be managed with the help of Kundli reading.
- A Kundli reading can help a person become more self-assured and firm.
- Kundli reading can assist a person in becoming more attentive and aware.
- Your day can be better planned with the help of a Kundli reading.
- Kundli reading can help you become more thoughtful.
Kundli is an excellent tool when used with perception and accuracy. It has the potential to save us from a variety of mishaps that would otherwise occur if we did not pay attention to its predictions. The most important application of Kundli in India is in the institution of marriage, where Kundli matching is performed, and it provides some assurance that the couple will live happily ever after. So smile and get your Kundli created as soon as possible!!
You can have your Kundli checked by an experienced astrologer now so that you better understand the various types of Kundli in Vedic astrology. Look for the best astrologers in Hyderabad or any city of your choice on one of the many reliable websites that provide online consultations.
Consult an astrologer right away and get your Kundli reports!